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Applications for All-in-one Boxes

With the Epoxy Resin Art starter set, you can cast flowers and all kinds of objects in crystal clear epoxy resin. This creates beautiful pieces that you can use as jewellery like earrings, bracelets or brooches. All necessary colour pigments are also provided to customise your castings. Perfect to put your resin art skills to the test.

The Casting Resin Set contains different types of casting resins. Both for super-fast reproduction of model parts and casting figures in a porcelain-like texture. You can also add colour pigments to these. With this set, you will start to explore how to cast objects in a rubber mould for achieving several reproductions.

In the Rubber Moulds set, we not only provide the handy latex moulding rubber, but also the highly tear-resistant silicone-based moulding rubber. This rubber mould set is the perfect solution for all your questions concerning the creation of elastic moulds. In these reusable moulds you can cast just about any casting resin. Highly accurate details and impressive reproduction of the original object are unique to these products. If you are a hobbyist or modeller and would like to quickly produce several reproductions of your own design, this is the perfect set for you.

Several times a year, you will have to clean and sometimes even polish your boat. This in order to remove stubborn dirt or scuff marks. With the Boat Maintenance Set, you can easily start cleaning and protecting your polyester boat. This way, you will have more time left to sail and enjoy instead of having to clean your boat.

With the Polishing Boat Set, you can go a step further than just cleaning. In this kit, you will find a number of sanding and polishing pastes that will make sure all scratches and dirt disappear and bring back the shining surface. The included polishing pads allow you to work both manually and mechanically.

Working with All-in-one Boxes

There are many advantages to working with the V-Sure All-in-one Boxes. Thanks to the diversity of products included in your box, you can experiment and discover what product suits your application best. A very convenient way when you want to start working on a specific application, but don't want to buy a large volume immediately.

By using the All-in-one Boxes for your boat, you have all the necessary products right at hand. All products are perfectly matched and give you a perfect result. If you want to know more about how to start, take a look at our videos.

If you like to visit our Experience Centre so that we van inform you about the finish and quality of our products, please make an appointment. We will take the time to inform and advise you on the right choice of materials.



  • All essentials in one package
  • Several products to test
  • Low package price
  • All products matched together


  • Limited quantities